Your Roadmap To VPAT®.
Get expert guidance to understanding, preparing, and leveraging a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT®) to ensure compliance with accessibility standards, including Section 508 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Master the VPAT®: Key Insights, Steps, and Tools to Achieve Digital Accessibility Compliance
Watch the webinar recording and gain insights on:
- What a VPAT® is, the various versions, and why it's important for digital accessibility compliance.
- Critical information and common misunderstandings before you begin your VPAT®.
- How to use a VPAT® as a tool to enhance accessibility, reduce risk of non-compliance, and serve the disability community.
- The exact process and steps for developing a VPAT®.
Register and receive our FREE GUIDE TO VPAT® and CHECKLIST!

Matt Driffill
Digital Content Manager
City of Rochester

Brenda Massie
Project Manager/
Business Analyst
City of Rochester

Peter Ross
Director of UI/UX
Promet Source

Rob Ellis
Sr. Solutions Engineer

Amy Groenhof
Proposal Manager
Promet Source